2nd International Workshop on BIG data meets CLOUD and Virtualized Environment


There is a growing interest in virtualized environments and their applications, raising several challenges.Many trends are emerging to address these issues. In this respect, Cloud computing provides a powerful model to connect users to information resources from anywhere in the world.It has become a significant technology with several advantages including cost savings, access to greater computing resources, high availability, and scalability.In addition, the advent of Semantic Web has raised new opportunities and challenges.In this context, Big Data and Linked Data are being an integral part of the web infrastructure, where massive amounts of connected or possibly interconnectable data, adressable via URIs/IRIs, are available. These technologies are paving the way of the Web of Data.The aim of the BigCVEn Workshop is to provide a forum to bring together scientists, researchers and practitioners interested in these emerging architectures and methodologies for capturing, storing, managing and analyzing massive, dispersed, interconnected data over the Web. It also aims to discuss the connection and\or interaction between Web of Data/Linked Data and Big Data/Cloud Computing.

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

Cloud computing/mobility and cloud

  • Cloud Computing standards and technologies
  • Cloud Computing specifications and enhancements
  • Cloud Computing discovery and integration
  • Cloud Computing, cluster and high performance computing and storage infrastructure for massive data
  • Cloud Computing security and QoS
  • Cloud Computing applications and solutions
  • Cloud and Social Network Analysis
  • Mobile Cloud Computing applications
  • Mobile cloud resource management
  • Mobile cloud middleware
  • Mobile cloud architecture
  • Energy efficiency in mobile cloud computing
  • Context-aware mobile cloud computing

Big Data

  • Large big data stream processing
  • Scalability in processing large data volumes
  • Multiple source data processing and integration for massive data
  • Massive Data Visualization
  • Big Data and Social Medias Big Data issues in Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics and hydroinformatics
  • Use cases, Practical application of big data techniques
  • Mobile data analytics

Web of data, Linked data/object

  • Publishing Linked Data and Data Interlinking
  • Large Scale Ontologies Matching and Mapping
  • Instances Matching and Semantic Interoperability
  • Linked Open Services
  • Linked Open Data Cloud
  • Linked Data Science
  • Government Linked Data

Web Services, Virtualized systems and Applications

  • Web application development on virtualized infrastructures and platform
  • Web information handling on virtualized storage
  • Web applications on Cloud infrastructure Virtualized RDF data indexing and storage
  • Virtualized Systems security, privacy, and trust
  • Data management and mining in social Web
  • Web advertising and community analysis
  • Web-based collaboration
  • Web service and information management
  • Virtual communities on the cloud
  • Design and analysis of social or collaborative applications
  • Cloud and service compuing

Applications, Evaluations, and Experiences in E-Business, Social Networks

  • Bioinformatics and Translational Medicine
  • Epidemic Intelligence, Health Informatics, E-Health
  • Agronomic and Environmental field
  • E-Government

Workshop Co-Chairs

  • Sadok Ben Yahia, University of Tunis, Tunisia
  • Ana Roxin, University of Burgundy, France
  • Gayo Diallo, University of Bordeaux, France

Program Committee

Diallo Gayo, University of Bordeaux, France
Ben Yahia Sadok, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Roxin Ana-Maria, University of Burgundy, France
Brahmi Hanen,  ESIGK Université de Kairouan, Tunisia
Brahmi Imen, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
Cruz Christophe, University of Burgundy, France
Diallo Saikou, Old Dominion University, USA
Gore Ross, Old Dominion University, USA
Kamel Nadjet, University of Setif, Algeria
Lo Moussa, UGB St Louis, Senegal
Munir Kashif, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Mutafungw Edward, Aalto University,Finland
Rabiul Islam Jony, University of Liberal Arts (Bangladesh)
Sihai Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (China)
Yeferny Taoufik, ISLAIB Beja, Tunisia
Yetongnon Kokou, University of Burgundy, France
Zghal Sami, FSJEGJ, Jendouba, Tunisia

