Multimedia Information Retrieval and Applications
An explosive growth can be experienced in multimedia and other social media appearing online on mobile, wearable and other devices in recent years. The Multimedia Information Retrieval and Applications (MIRA) track is based on emerging interdisciplinary multimedia research and systems dealing with conventional and big multimedia data. The track focuses on new applications and services that can analyze, retrieve, classify and annotate multimedia information even for big multimedia data as well as to help to establish semantical and contextual connections among users on the basis of the information of their interest.
The topics of interest of the track include, but are not limited to:
Multimedia Analysis and Processing
- Multimedia content analysis
- Content-based analysis for (big) multimedia data
- Feature extraction and learning for (big) multimedia data representation
- Multimedia signal processing and analysis
- Multimedia search and retrieval
- Query languages and query processing for multimedia retrieval
- Image and video indexing
- Image and video classification
- High-dimensional clustering for indexing
- Semantics and metadata in multimedia systems
- Computation Linguistics for multimedia IR
- Multimedia data modeling and visualization
- Multimedia coding, compression, and processing
- Filtering, Time-Sensitive and Real-time Search
- Personalized Search
- Multimedia content analysis and event detection
- Joint multimodal processing and analysis
- Big multimedia data analytics
Multimedia Application for Information Retrieval
- Retrieval and annotation of big multimedia data
- Multimedia networking and communication
- Emergent semantics in content-based retrieval systems
- Multimedia activity and event understanding
- Mobile multimedia analysis and retrieval
- Location based multimedia information retrieval
- Object and/or context based multimedia information retrieval
- Semantic-based multimedia retrieval and annotation
- Medical multimedia information retrieval
Large/Heterogeneous Networks Security, privacy, trust and ethics
- Privacy-preserving (social) network Analysis
- Network Analysis for security applications
- Network-based security measures and controls
- Network Analysis for identifying and assessing cyber risks
- Information security measures and controls, to help in identifying and assessing cyber risks
Multimedia Systems and Services
- Multimedia systems, services, architecture and implementations
- Distributed multimedia systems
- Mobile and location aware multimedia services
- Cloud-assisted multimedia systems
- Novel multimedia IR Interfaces
- Human computer interaction based on multimedia
- Entertainment, gaming and e-learning
- 3D, Augmented and virtual reality
- Bio-inspired multimedia processing
- User Studies, Click Models, Interaction Models
- Multimedia system for traffic and public security
- Multimedia database and content management
- Multimedia tools (authoring, analyzing, editing, and browsing)
- Multimedia benchmarks, evaluation protocols and standards
- Multimedia security, rights management and forensics
- Adversarial multimedia IR and Spam
- Cross-language and Multilingual multimedia IR
- Medical multimedia databases
- eHealthcare and telemedicine
- Social, user-generated, and cloud-based multimedia
- Cloud computing for (big) multimedia data
- Multimedia sensing systems
- Social networks, social media and Crowdsourcing
Track Chair
Andrea Kutics, International Christian University, Japan