First EU-GCC workshop on computational modelling of complex energy- and environment-related systems


Preparing for the post-oil era, GCC and EU countries are now developing advanced infrastructures to manage environment and energy challenges. Indeed, managing energy, water and waste efficiently requires computational modelling of complex phenomena like the green house effect, coastal algal blooming, water recharge and water decontamination.
Applying computational models to the analysis and control of real systems requires best practices for handling large-scale sensor and metering data flows to ensure collected data timeliness, trustworthiness and integrity. Also, human impact needs to be represented and taken into account. In the European Union, these research questions are being addressed by specific calls for proposals within the H2020 framework program. In the GCC area, they are targeted by national and regional research strategies.

The first EU-GCC workshop on computational modelling of cyber-physical energy and environment complex systems aims at presenting new research on modelling, model-based analysis and control of complex cyber-physical systems carried out in the EU and in the GCC area. It will provide a unique forum for facilitating interactions and planning common initiatives between EU and GCC researchers.

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Models and tools for environment and energy applications
  • Models for complex social systems
  • Model-based prediction and control
  • Cyber security for information systems
  • Complex system representation and display
  • Collaborative data collection and processing techniques
  • Agent-based modeling of community behavior

Workshop Co-Chairs

Ernesto Damiani, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi
Olivier Monga, IRD, France
Sebti Foufou, Qatar University, Doha
Paolo Ceravolo, Università di Milano, Italy

Program Committee

Ernesto DAMIANI (Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi)
Jorge DIAS (Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi)
Philippe FREYSSINET (Qatar National Research Fund, Doha)
Sebti FOUFOU (Qatar University, Doha)
Olivier MONGA (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France)
Philippe BAVEYE (Agroparitech / Institut National de Recherche en Agriculture, France)
Giovanna Sissa, (Associazione Genova Smart City e Università di Genova, Italy)
Lu Xiaodong (Napier University, Edinburgh, UK)
Faical Mnif (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)
Hassan ElRagal (University of Bahrein, Bahrein)
Mustafa Azim Kazancigil (Yeditepe University, Turkey)
Babiga Birregah (University of Technology of Troyes, France)
Mario Doeller (Kufstein University of Technology, Austria)
Yim Ling Siu (University of Leeds, UK)