The SITIS workshops cover specific, emerging topics. The workshops provide a comprehensive forum and encourage in-depth discussion of technical and application issues in specific research fields.
Accepted papers are included in the conference proceedings, published by the IEEE Computer Society.
The Workshops co-located with SITIS 2023 are:
- Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Signal and Image Processing (AISIP)
- Workshop on Advancing Sustainability with Artificial Intelligence: Unlocking Innovative Solutions (ASAI)
- Workshop on Behavioral Data-driven Futures (BeDaF)
- Workshop on Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Biomedical Applications (CAD4MED)
- Workshop on Distributed, Autonomic and Robust Wireless Networks (DARWiN)
- Workshop on Computer Vision and Deep Learning (IWCVDL)
- Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition Reuse & Evaluation (KARE)
- Workshop on Numerical Algorithms and Methods for Data Analysis and Classification (NAMDAC)
- Workshop on PeRvasive sEnsing and muLtimedia UnDErstanding (PRELUDE)
- Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Services (QUAMUS)
- Workshop on Signal/Image Processing, Autonomous Robots (SIPAR)
- Workshop on Appearance and Imaging (WAI)